+41 79 297 66 66 info@centrekaizen.ch

From 06 november to 10 november 2019

Éveil d’Essence


In a contemporary hermitage, an ecological hotel surrounded by a 3000-hectare natural reserve where the deep silence, clean air and dense darkness of the night create the perfect setting to reconnect with its deep essence, allow for transformation, growth, fulfillment, healing … Take time for yourself …


from the 06 november to the 10 november 2019


Eremito Hotel, Parrano, Umbria, Italia


Viviane Hilkner and Cristiane Tinguely

“We can not cure the neat part without taking care of everything. One must not heal the body separated from the soul. And in order for the mind and body to regain health, we must begin by healing the soul.” – Platon